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All services of Re-Format + Editing to improve readability Add Recent Job History 20 Minute Phone Consultation
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Completely Reconstruct Resume Organize and Format Content 45 Minute Phone Consultation with a Senior Writer
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For a better resume… it’s Night and Day! This is an independent contractor agreement between Night and Day Resume (NDR) and you, who will taking on the responsibilities of college ambassador for your...
View Article“Dear Recruiter, why do you only spend 15 seconds, on average, with resumes?”
“Dear Recruiter, why do you only spend 15 seconds, on average, with resumes?” Please note the careful wording…and I’ve included “on average”. Any recruiter who has been in the trenches knows if a...
View ArticleNearly 50% say motivation gets in the way of their job search!
Motivation doesn’t always run deep when you are out of work or under-employed and looking for a job. Nearly 5 of every 10 sessions we conduct with new clients will address their emotional state and...
View ArticleOffice Parties ahead! Yikes or Yay?
Yes, it’s that time of year again. We are heading into the Holidays and the company office party is just around the corner. It’s always great to discuss do’s and don’ts for this annual tradition, so...
View ArticleNearly one in 3 workers is “Job Straddling”
Most people are familiar with the terms unemployed or underemployed, but what is “job straddling”? When your job is to dig into the work history of hundreds of people a year to write their resume,...
View ArticleDon’t let the “New Year” change the “Old You”
There are plenty of “New Year, New You” and “Out with the old, in with the New” type motivational blogs and articles, but I’m suggesting you don’t let the New Year change the “Old You”. This isn’t a...
View ArticleWhat’s wrong with my resume having TMC?
What the heck is TMC and why doesn’t my resume need it? When you look at resumes for a living you tend to come up with some terminology of your own. I’ve coined some terms that you might be interested...
View Article8 of 10 job seekers know what the issue is, so don’t fight it.
8 out of 10 job seekers know what the issue is with their resume, so why fight it? One of our senior writers made a great suggestion last year for our website and the Free Resume Review that we offer...
View ArticleWhat’s a Summary to do without the right message?
Of the thousands of resume reviews Night and Day Resume has provided over the past couple of years I can say, confidently, that the summary section is the most important and most neglected. With the...
View ArticleWork life balance is back!
I’m hearing it more from candidates and clients these days “I’m taking the afternoon off to enjoy some time for myself”, or “I’m going to enjoy some time with the family”. “I’m taking the day to enjoy...
View ArticleThe Power of Networking, the Motivation to Ask!
It’s a crazy economy we are living in these days. I know more than a handful of people who are gainfully employed, outwardly seem to be doing well, but they don’t feel secure in their jobs. It’s the...
View ArticleYou Don’t Need a New Engine, Just Change the Oil!
I had the most amazing weekend. Normally I would say this because it was spent time with my family and loved ones, but this past weekend was spent with a different family, a brotherhood, if you will....
View ArticleRecent Grads – 5 Things to consider now that “real life” is upon you.
5 Things to consider now that “real life” is upon you. 1- Stick with your dream! Whether the economy is good or bad, it’s not always going to be so easy to break into the career path you might...
View ArticleOne Size Doesn’t Fit All
Spoke with a fellow recruiter recently who I had never spoken with, and who didn’t know my background very well. He had an older resume of mine and made some very thoughtful, not malicious, broad brush...
View ArticleResume FAQ
Have questions about your resume? Read through our FAQ. If you would like to discuss any of these please submit your information for a Free Resume Review. Q: How do I handle gaps in employment on my...
View ArticleNearly one in 3 workers is “Job Straddling”
Most people are familiar with the terms unemployed or underemployed, but what is “job straddling”? When your job is to dig into the work history of hundreds of people a year to write their resume,...
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