Spoke with a fellow recruiter recently who I had never spoken with, and who didn’t know my background very well. He had an older resume of mine and made some very thoughtful, not malicious, broad brush suggestions. I thanked him for his opinion and continued with our conversation. After another 20 minutes he realized what he suggested earlier about my resume might not be the best approach because of the extent of my experience. Again, I thanked him and continued our conversation.
After another 10 minutes or so of ridiculously casual and enjoyable conversation, I came clean and told him that for the past 5 years, I have helped nearly 1,000 people write their resume with a business that was not on my resume. He chuckled, took my retort in good stride and agreed that maybe a 1 page resume for a guy with 30 something years of experience was not reasonable. Wow, didn’t I just toss my mortar board in the air a few years ago? Wow, time flies…heck, so did that mortar board, but I tracked it down…but I digress.
This was a great conversation from start to finish and I’m hoping to work with him further because I appreciated his opinion and thought, but the reason for my little story…everyone will have an opinion on your resume and why you should do it their way. Don’t over-react and start making changes without discussing with someone else, or at least sitting on the ideas. Can’t tell you how many clients say “I don’t even recognize my own resume!”
There are rights and wrongs for a resume, but mostly what you get are opinions. For 2 guys who look at hundreds of resumes a day, we did agree that organized, clean and concise is always best.
For our professional opinion, please send us your resume for a Free Resume Review.
Co-Founder/COO – Night and Day Resume